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Career management is the combination of structured planning and the active management choice of one's own professional career. The outcome of successful career management should include personal fulfillment, work/life balance, goal achievement and financial security.

Over 99% of successful artist have an agent on their team.

Agents help artists obtain access to prominent trade events and exhibits.

" We offer the industry, the most dynamic career management service for today's progressive visual artists. May you originate from North America, South America, Asia, Europe or Africa our global team of professional agents and support staff will aid you in advancing your career.  Together we construct sound and lucrative opportunities which are value based career path endeavors which elevates your standing with the Art's marketplace and build the foundation for a lucrative art market engagement.



Through our service you will have a team of industry professionals who are specialize in major skills needed to advance your goals as a professional artists.


Our team will find the right marketplace for your work.  Together you will build the communication platform and language need to connect with the thousands of sources.  Assisting in the execution of marketplace engagement with be a very competent artist agent - Ensuring all endeavors are lucrative and leads to career advancement.  

To view our service you must register. Please [click here] and complete the form. We respect your privacy and none of your information will be used outside our company. 


Baltimore, Maryland

Phone: (443) 292-2493

GAN is committed to exceeding expectations on every engagement, big or small, for every client, local or multinational. People who know, know GAN.

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