Product Development
Knowing where your body of work or artistic output correlate in the market place is key in positioning your work for potential sale.
Trying to force your style of art into the marketplace cause you to waste time, resources and increase anxiety. When you don't know where your art resonates then you don't know how to properly select venues or exhibits that would benefit your art career. Learn More
Market Demand
Market demand is the sum of the individual demand for a genre by buyers in a specific market area. The interest of your work depends on the dynamic of various physical location the art will be offered.
We help you assess the various markets to determine what your options are and potential for achieving your goal. Learn More
Market Orientation
Not all work is gallery suitable nor proper for an art fair environment. Most artists are cheating themselves and forcing their career to participate in an environment that hinder sales and career growth.
Are you running from exhibit to exhibit, gallery to gallery hoping for a break? Art is like any other object being presented to the market place. You don't know where your artwork fits, what venues would benefit your brand of art or what type of contracts would advance your career opportunities. Learn More.
Geographical Interest
Most artists do not understand why their body of art is not resonating with their community. The notion art has universal value is not true.
We idenitfy the best location around the globe for the style, theme and value points your art offers. Learn More